Fairfax Realty Elite
Keji Ogunleye
Homes Recently Sold in  Fairwood Bowie, zip code 20720
Homes recently sold in Fairwood Bowie zip code 20720 for December 2014
Talk to real estate professional about homes in Fairwood Bowie  or other parts of Bowie: Call us at 301-613-2043
If you have a home in Fairwood Bowie  and will like to get the current estimate value of your home click here for home value estimator
Fairwood Bowie : A  large new planned community in Bowie MD with over 6000 homes and many builders. The community have different types of properties and price range. Many of the   detached homes come with 3000 square footage, townhouses with 2000 square footage.
Below are some of the homes that are recently sold in December 2014 for Fairwood in Bowie.
Fairwood  Bowie Townhouses

Fairwood  Bowie Detached Homes

These are just a few homes recently sold in Fairwood Bowie 20720. The townhouses for sale in Fairwood showed  market appreciation, however the detached home value in Fairwood are down. 
There are many home owners in Fairwood Bowie that are owes  more than their homes are currently worth and this continue to drag the home value down.
There are currently 18 detached homes for sale in Fairwood Bowie, 11 under contract, of all the homes in for  sale 7 of the distressed sale- that is short sale or foreclosure.
There are 2 townhouses currently for sale in Fairwood, 1 of the townhouse is a short sale.
Market Report shows home values for detached homes in Fairwood is down ,we offer Free Consultation on what to do if you owe more than Your house is worth in Fairwood, Bowie

We have homes for the current homes for sale in Fairwood Bowie and other parts of Bowie Here.
Search for deals and foreclosures in Fairwood and Bowie 
Keji & Associates of Fair fax  Realty is a team of licensed agents working daily to get homes sold for our clients in Bowie,UpperMarlboro, Fort Washington and other parts of the metro area. We delight our clients by delivering  world class service every step of the way and we strive to create a win-win situation this  is all part of our values and beliefs. Contact us @ 301-613-2043 , email keji@metrohomesrealty.com or visit our website . www.metrohomesrealty.com

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